The 任务的区 is one of San Francisco’s most of-the-moment neighborhoods, 到处都是引领潮流的精品店, 餐厅, 和更多的.
Mission Street is the neighborhood’s main drag 和 home to a variety of 餐厅 和 shops. Valencia Street is ground zero for cafes, bars 和 clothing 和 accessory shops. 24th Street is a lively, tree-lined street boasting several Latino-owned businesses like 拉帕尔马墨西哥, 维多利亚广场 和 La Torta Gorda.
最新、最时髦的走廊是20街. 在那里你可以找到专业的鸡尾酒 真正的月桂树, 技巧的狗 和 失去了旅游胜地,有创意的意大利菜 彭妮罗马新鲜出炉的面包 Tartine工厂 和 lines out the door at San Francisco's newest must-eat restaurant, 欧内斯特.
没有……就不完整 教会风格玉米煎饼. 你可以选择当地最受欢迎的餐厅,比如La Taqueria, La山峰, El Farolito. 墨西哥卷饼只是使团饮食的开始. 其他你不能错过的餐厅有 Venga肉馅卷饼以夹心糕点闻名; Lolinda, with its delectable Argentine-style cuts from the grill; 和 好好文化俱乐部这里有出色的现代亚洲菜单和郁郁葱葱的屋顶.
一定要去参观 任务多洛雷斯建于1776年. 要了解最近的历史,请查看任务的庆祝活动 户外的壁画 in places like Balmy Alley or on the facade of the Women’s Building. Dolores Park is a popular green space that offers a perfect picnic location, 观赏人群和壮观的天际线景观.
The 任务的区 is a virtual outdoor art gallery full of vibrant murals depicting themes ranging from cultural heritage to social-political statements.
探索 the incredible diversity of authentic flavors in San Francisco's oldest 和 most exciting neighborhood, 教会区.
If there's one part of town that visitors — both first-timers 和 many-timers — equate with San Francisco, 这是渔人码头.
SoMa / Yerba Buena
20世纪70年代,工业搬走了,艺术家搬进来了. Now, SoMa has so much to experience, including the country's most beautiful ballpark.
古老的意大利, 新政, memories of Kerouac 和 the Beats 和 echoes of the waterfront Bohemianism meet of-the-moment eateries in 北海滩.
Those little cable cars that climb halfway to the stars in Tony Bennett’s “I Left My Heart in San Francisco’’ are climbing 头山, 贝博体彩app历史悠久的标志性街区.
Embarcadero /金融区
从公海的船长到工业的船长, the Embarcadero has often been where people first began their San Francisco journey.
This central city district encompasses everything from stately concert halls 和 museums to animated 餐厅 和 wide-open public plazas just west of Downtown.
码头的精品店和餐馆吸引着时髦的人, 年轻人群, while the views 和 stately homes of Pacific Heights take your breath away.
宝塔式建筑, 华丽的灯柱, 异国情调的菜单和其他独特的元素, a stop here can feel more like a trip abroad than a neighborhood stroll.
The 任务的区 is one of San Francisco’s most of-the-moment neighborhoods, 到处都是引领潮流的精品店, 餐厅, 和更多的.
不管你的性取向如何, no trip to San Francisco is complete without a visit to the world-famous Castro District, 全国最早的同性恋社区之一.
Start your Summer of Love experience on the corner of Haight 和 Ashbury streets, 20世纪60年代的花卉力量在哪里开花.
Within Golden Gate Park, you'll find lakes, gardens, museums, golf courses 和 a herd of bison. The Sunset offers a zoo, views of the Pacific Ocean 和 tasty eats.
金门大桥的南锚, 青翠的, 风景优美的要塞, 巧妙地回收了Crissy Field, the Civil War-era Fort Point are just a few of the attractions in the northwest corner of town.
这个宝石般的岛屿提供了一个繁华的城市酿酒厂的场景, popular flea markets 和 photo ops of San Francisco's downtown skyline.